Lent 2025

As a reminder, the Church asks us to observe the following disciplines:

  • Each Friday: Abstaining - from meat

  • Ash Wednesday and Good Friday: Abstaining as well as fasting - one regular meal in addition to two small meals that don’t add up to a regular meal

Make the most of this year’s Lent by preparing for the season and entering in more deeply with time for prayer, reflection, and genuine encounter with Jesus. Visit FORMED.org/signup for your free subscription to Catholic resources that will feed your mind and spirit in preparation for Easter! Visit the Formed page for more information.

Whether you are looking to grow as a disciple of Jesus, find and form community, deepen your worship, or serve those in need, there is something for you here this Lent! Organized according to the pillars of our Parish Strategic Plan, view opportunites to engage with each of the unique facets of parish life.

Missionary Disciples

Parish Mission

This year’s Mission features Sharon Doran, founder of Seeking Truth: An International Bible Study, exploring the theme of Courage & Conviction in The Life of St. Joan of Arc (Sunday) and Courageous Biblical Heroes (Monday.)

Sunday, March 30 & Monday, March 31 7–8 PM Mission | Treats and fellowship to follow

What Every Catholic
Should Know About

Refresh your Catholic knowledge on Thursdays during Lent with highlights from the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, presented by our parish priests!

7–8 PM | Day Chapel
March 6: The Creed
March 13: The Moral Life
March 27: The Sacraments
April 3: Prayer | 9-10 AM or 7-8 PM presentation options

Live Lent Together
Small Groups

Live Lent Together is an initiative that equips parishioners to lead a 6-week small group for Lent. Each group leader will pray for and invite friends, neighbors, co-workers, or family members to gather for prayer and discussion with Scripture. Groups are being formed at St. Wenceslaus to launch during Lent!

Welcome Weekends

Think you know everything there is to know about parish life? Think again! Welcome provides an amazing overnight experience presented by parishioners for fellow parishioners. Welcome allows participants to reflect on their lives and spiritual walk, while building meaningful relationships with others.

Inspiring Worship

  • An evening of family-friendly Eucharistic Adoration with praise and worship music, time for silent prayer, and meditation.

    Thursday, March 27 | 7 PM | Day Chapel

  • 5 PM Confessions and 5:30 PM Mass will be offered on Fridays in Lent.

  • Our parish tradition of exposing the Blessed Sacrament the first week of each month from the end of Friday ‘s 8:30 Mass until the beginning of Saturday’s 8:30 Mass.

    March 7–8 and April 4–5

  • Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration on Fridays during Lent (in addition to the normal First Friday schedule).

    Mar 14, 21, 28 & Apr 11 | 9 AM– 5:20 PM

  • Morning Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours prayed in community at 9 AM on Fridays in the Day Chapel.

  • Fr. Dismas Kline of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal will preach at all weekend Masses March 15–16. Fr. Dismas runs a marriage and family apostolate in Nicaragua.

  • Reconciliation with the Liturgy of the Word and individual confessions, with the opportunity to go to priests outside of our parish.

    Thursday, April 10 | 7 PM

  • Enter into the Passion and Cross of Jesus.

    Fridays in Lent | 6:15 PM (New Date and Time)

  • Dramatic reflection on the Stations of the Cross from the perspective of St. Mary Magdalene.

    Friday, March 14 | 6:15 PM

  • Dramatic reflection on the Stations of the Cross from the perspective of the crowd gathered in Jerusalem.

    Friday, April 4 | 6:15 PM

Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, & Easter Liturgies

Ash Wednesday Mass: March 5 | 6:45 AM | 8:30 AM | 5:30 PM | 7 PM

Palm Sunday Mass: April 12 | 5 PM and April 13 | 8 AM | 10 AM | 12 PM | 5:30 PM
Monday - Wednesday Mass: April 14-16 | 6:45 AM | 8:30 AM | 5:30 PM

Holy Thursday Mass: April 17 | 7 PM
Good Friday Liturgy: April 18 | 7 PM (new time)
Easter Vigil: April 19 | 8:45 PM (sunset)

Easter Sunday Mass: April 20 | 8 AM | 10 AM | 12 PM | 5:30 PM

Unified Community

Walk to Jerusalem

Sponsored by the Health Ministry, this imaginative walk encourages participants to increase physical activity, spiritual growth, and cultural awareness through a virtual walk to Jerusalem. This year’s route is a southern 10,939 mile route. Everyone is welcome to participate, regardless of age or fitness.

Miles are both physical and spiritual! 20 minutes of walking (even day-to-day!), swimming, stretching, biking, and praying equals one mile. You can log your activity in minutes or miles - the Walk to Jerusalem Team will convert it to miles for you. Check out the map in the west Narthex to see our progress!

Interested? Please use the button below to recieve weekly email instructions as well as encouragement and inspiration. Participants will track their physical and spiritual activity and report them each week via the button below, or by email to parishnurse@stwencesalus.org.

God yearns for us to be the best we can be in body, mind, and spirit. May God bless you this Lent and on your daily walk with Him!

Lenten Dinners

The Knights of Columbus once again host their famous Lenten Dinners, with a variety of meatless dinner options, beverages for adults, movies for the kids, and more. Admission is by freewill offering; proceeds support our parish and other charitable causes.
Fridays March 7 - April 11 | 5–7:30 PM | Cafeteria (under Cain Hall)

Service & Stewardship

Community Outreach Day

Live the works of mercy with your fellow parishioners during a morning of service in the greater Omaha area. Family-friendly service opportunities available.
Saturday, April 5th (Morning)

CRS Rice Bowls

Take a Rice Bowl home after Mass and instead of buying your usual latte, make a donation toward relief services in needy parts of the world. Bowls can be dropped off at the parish office. This program celebrates its fiftieth anniversary this year!

Charity of the Month

Learn more on our Charity of the Month page, or click the buttons below to give directly to each organization.