Eucharistic Adoration

Perpetual Adoration

Our Adoration Chapel is open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. It can be found by entering the Day Chapel, then turning left. Feel free to drop in anytime to spend a few moments with the Lord.

We are also seeking adorers who can commit an hour each week to pray in our Adoration Chapel. Interested? Sign up here by selecting “Weekly Commitment,” then your preferred regular weekly adoration time slot. When you arrive for your reserved time, please sign in to the physical book or on your mobile device. 

Questions? Contact John Hall, Perpetual Adoration Coordinator | | (402) 968-7436.

First Friday Adoration

One tradition is devoting the first Friday of the month to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, since Christ died for us and won our salvation on a Friday.

At St. Wenceslaus, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed on First Fridays, beginning after the 8:30 AM Mass and extending until 8:20 AM Saturday morning.

Interested? You are welcome to drop into the Day Chapel, or sign up for an hour by selecting this month’s 1st Friday, then your preferred hour slot.

Questions? Contact John Hall, Perpetual Adoration Coordinator | | (402) 968-7436.


ADORE is Eucharistic Adoration with praise and worship music and guided meditations taking place the last Thursday of every month from 7:00 - 8:00 PM in the Day Chapel.

Some months, ADORE is a different week (ex: Thanksgiving). Please see our bulletin and social media for upcoming ADORE events.

Questions? Contact Connor Sabatka |


  • Perpetual Adoration is the devotion whereby the faithful unite in taking hours of Adoration before the Most Blessed Sacrament, both during the day and throughout the night, seven days a week.

    • A deeper meditative awareness of Christ’s true presence in the Eucharist.

    • Healing of your body and soul.

    • A deeper awareness of Christ abiding presence in every phase of your life.

    • Improved prayer life, deeper faith, and inner peace.

    • There are 168 hours in a week, so a minimum of 168 people are needed. Our goal is to have two adorers per hour, but there can be more.

    • Adoration continues 24 hours per day. For those who hold the late night hours a security system is in place, and the church is locked from 8:30 PM to 5:30 AM.

    • Late night and early morning adorers use a code to enter the church during these hours. New adorers will be provided with the code upon signup.

  • Sometimes this happens. Normally, an adorer who knows they won’t be in attendance for their scheduled adorer time will find a substitute.

    If you are able to stay and fill the 2nd hour, please sign your name in the registry book under the substitute column.

  • Adoration is held by the Tabernacle inside the Adoration Chapel located on the left side of the Day Chapel entrance. When daily Mass is celebrated or First Friday Adoration is held, the adorers should move to the Day Chapel.

  • Yes, there is a registry book kept on top of the pedestal inside the Adoration Chapel, which the adorer should sign upon entry, or sign in on their mobile device.

  • No. However, we recommend that you pray for vocations weekly and for prayer intentions that are found in the Book of Petitions in the foyer.

    Highly recommended is meditating on the Bible scriptures and the practice of silent, peaceful prayer.