The Seven Sacraments

  • Baptism is the first sacrament received when entering the Catholic Church. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as children of God, officially entering the body of Christ, the Catholic Church.

    To get your child baptized at St. Wenceslaus, visit our Baptism page to learn more and begin the process.

    Are you an adult looking to be baptized? Visit our Becoming Catholic page for details and contact information.

  • Confession Times
    Monday–Thursday 5:00 PM
    Friday NO CONFESSIONS (except during Lent, 5:00 PM)
    Saturday 9:00 AM | 3:30 PM
    Confessions are also available by appointment | (402) 330-0304

    Looking on information on First Reconciliation? Visit our Sacramental Preparation page.

  • Mass Times
    Monday–Thursday 6:45 AM | 8:30 AM | 5:30 PM
    Friday 6:45 AM | 8:30 AM

    Saturday 8:30 AM | 5:00 PM
    Sunday 8:00 AM | 10:00 AM | 12:00 PM | 5:30 PM

    Holy Days Vigil 5:30 PM
    Holy Days 6:45 AM | 8:30 AM | 5:30 PM | 7:00 PM
    National Holidays 9:00 AM

    If you wish to have a Mass said for a special intention, please visit our Mass Intentions page.

    Looking on information on First Communion? Visit our Sacramental Preparation page.

  • The Archbishop visits the parish once a year in the Spring to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation.

    Baptized children prepare for Confirmation in the 7th grade. Confirmation is then received and celebrated in the spring of the 8th grade.

    For forms and more information, visit our Sacramental Preparation page or contact Julie Lukasiewicz, Director of Faith Formation | (402) 330-1889.

    Are you an adult looking to be confirmed? Contact Brian Corey (402) 697-7514 or Chris Edmonds (402) 991-3425 to learn more about the the OCIA Program.

  • We are so glad that you are interested in getting married in the Catholic Church!

    • Visit our Marriage page to download our Wedding Workbook and learn more about our process and policies.

    • Call to Begin: Lisa Klug, Business Manager | (402) 330-0304

    We look forward to hearing from you!

  • The sacrament of Holy Orders in the Catholic Church includes three orders: bishop, priest, and deacon. 

    • A man can be ordained to the transitional diaconate. This distinguishes men bound for priesthood from those who have entered the permanent diaconate and do not intend to seek ordination as a priest.

    • Deacons, whether transitional or permanent, receive faculties to preach, to perform baptisms, and to witness marriages. They may assist at services where Holy Communion is given, and they are considered the ordinary dispenser of the wine when Communion is given in both types. Deacons may not celebrate the Mass, but they can officiate at a funeral service not involving a Mass, including a visitation or the graveside service at burial.

    • After six months or more as a transitional deacon, a man can be ordained to the priesthood. Priests are able to preach, perform baptisms, witness marriages, hear confessions and give absolutions, anoint the sick, and celebrate the Eucharist or the Mass.

    Some priests are later chosen to be bishops; bishops may ordain priests, deacons, and other bishops.

    Do you, or someone you know, feel called to become a priest, sister, brother, permanent deacon, or join a secular institution? Please consider speaking to one of the parish priests to assist in your discernment. Contact the parish office to set up an appointment at (402) 330-0304.

    More information can be found at the Archdiocesan website.

  • Anointing of the Sick is a healing sacrament for those of any age who are chronically or terminally ill, or who have a scheduled surgery.

    To request this sacrament, contact the parish office at (402) 330-0304.

    In addition, the parish annually celebrates this sacrament in the context of the Mass at all weekend Masses. Look for notifications in the bulletin for more information.

Looking for information about joining the Catholic Church through OCIA? Visit our Becoming Catholic page for details and contact information.