Vacation Bible School
Date: June 16 - 20th
Time: 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Ages: Children entering Kindergarten - 5th grade NEXT fall
Cost: $50 per child. Cash or checks made payable to St. Wenceslaus Church will be accepted. Please bring payments to the parish office in an envelope marked VBS along with the family name.
Volunteers Needed - Teens & Adults!
Adults must be Safe Environment trained. Children of adult leaders are half price!
Contact Julie Lukasiewicz, Director of Faith Formation | | (402) 330-1889.
We are a PreK-8 grade Children's Faith Formation program, striving to assist our families and youngest disciples to encounter, proclaim, and share in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
Our lessons focus on the 4 pillars of the Church: Sacrament and Worship, Creed, Prayer, and Morality/Social Justice. Throughout the year we have Mass, community celebrations, Reconciliation for the family, and practice Catholic prayer and traditions.
In Person: $100 per child for registered parishioners; $125 for non-registered parishioners.
Homeschooling / Parent Led: $25 per child. Families may return to in-person classes at any time if there is availability.
Dates: Wednesdays, August-May | 6:15-7:30 PM
For details, visit our Program page.
Questions? Contact Julie Lukasiewicz, Director of Faith Formation | | (402) 330-1889.
Children over the age of 7 who have not been baptized or who were raised in another religious tradition will need to enter into the Catholic Church through a special program called OCIA for children. These classes will introduce children to the Catholic Church and they will receive the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation all at one time during the Easter Vigil in the spring.
Interested in OCIA for Children? Contact Julie Lukasiewicz, Director of Faith Formation | | (402) 330-1889.
Are you an adult also looking to join OCIA? Visit our OCIA page for contact information and to learn more
Preparation for the sacraments of Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation each have their own process, timing, and requirements.
To learn more about each sacrament, visit our Sacramental Preparation page.
Questions? Contact Julie Lukasiewicz, Director of Faith Formation | | (402) 330-1889.
This year’s theme is “True North: Trusting Jesus in a Wild World.”
Date: June 16 - June 20, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Ages: Children entering Kindergarten - 5th grade NEXT fall
Cost: $50 per child. Cash or checks made payable to St. Wenceslaus Church will be accepted. Please bring payments to the parish office in an envelope marked VBS along with the family name.
Volunteers Needed! Please consider being part of this exciting ministry event. Children of volunteers may receive a discount.
Questions? Contact Julie Lukasiewicz, Director of Faith Formation | | (402) 330-1889.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is:
an approach to the religious formation of the child
rooted in the Bible, the liturgy of the church, and the educational principles of Maria Montessori
for the littlest among us- children 3-6 years old
in a room specially prepared for them
directed by trained catechists who encourage children to know and love God
Julie Lukasiewicz, Director of Faith Formation | | (402) 330-1889
Margie Walker, Catechist |
Liz Maly, Catechist |
Are you interested in sharing your faith and feel inspired to develop a faith experience with our parish children? Bring your enthusiasm, energy, and love for Jesus to the hearts of our children!
Openings for the 2024-2025 school year are available to become a Faith Formation Catechist, Assistant Catechist, Substitute, or Permanent Volunteer. Registration is free to children of Catechists, Assistant Catechists, and weekly Volunteers. Learn more by visiting our Classes page.
If you would like to be part of this mission or have questions, please contact Julie Lukasiewicz, Director of Faith Formation | | (402) 330-1889.
Questions? Contact Julie Lukasiewicz, Director of Faith Formation | | (402) 330-1889.