Liturgical & Music Ministry
Collect dirty linen from the sacristy on Monday, wash, iron and return by Friday.
Interested? Contact Olivier Coutant, Director of Liturgy | | (402) 991-3429
Serve at the Lord's Altar and assist the priest and deacon in carrying out various liturgical duties. Develop a love for the Liturgy that overflows into service at Mass.
Interested? Contact Olivier Coutant, Director of Liturgy | | (402) 991-3429
Altar Server Manual
Altar Server Procedures + Diagrams
Training Videos -
Assist with Audio/Video, Technology, and other aspects of Church Technology, including:
Church soundboard
Overflow video system
Video projector system
Livestream and video recording system
Interested? Fill out the Interest Form or contact Madi Koperski, Director of Music | | (402) 330-1518
Assist the clergy with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass by becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Develop a love for the Eucharist that overflows into service of God’s people during the liturgy.
Interested? Contact Olivier Coutant, Director of Liturgy | | (402) 991-3429
The Flower Ministry is a group of dedicated and devoted volunteers who have the responsibility for the arranging and placement of flowers for regular worship and special liturgies/events within the church. No special skills are necessary to be part of the Flower Ministry – only a desire to learn, and a love for reverently arranging natural beauty. Led by a floral designer, the Flower Ministry is divided into teams. Teams serve on a rotation each month, being responsible for a particular Sunday. Teams are responsible for purchasing, prepping, arranging, decorating and adorning the church for the liturgy with gorgeous flower arrangements (costs are reimbursed by the parish).
New members are always welcome, and can work alongside more experienced ministry members. The Flower Ministry is an ideal way for members of our parish to become involved in a ministry at St. Wenceslaus, particularly if members are unable to commit more than a few hours of their time every couple of months.
Kara Walters, Coordinator | | (402) 493-2499
Olivier Coutant, Director of Liturgy | | (402) 991-3429
Men, women, junior and senior high school youth, and families are scheduled approximately once a month for the weekly Mass of their choice to assist with greeting, seating, taking up the collection, directing the communion procession, handling out bulletins and straightening up church after Mass.
Interested? Contact Olivier Coutant, Director of Liturgy | | (402) 991-3429
Proclaim the Word of God during Mass. Develop a love for Sacred Scripture and lectio divina that overflows into service of God’s people during the liturgy.
Interested? Contact Olivier Coutant, Director of Liturgy | | (402) 991-3429
The music ministry team is looking for people who are interested in elevating the beauty of the Mass through the gift of song. Review the positions below, then please fill out the Interest Form!
Contact: Madi Koperski, Director of Music | | (402) 330-1518
Small Group Ensembles
Pianist, Organist, or Other Instrumentation
Soundboard Operator
Children’s Choir: Sing at a Sunday Mass Sept - May.
Rehearsals: Tuesday 4:30 - 5:30 PMAdult Choir: Sing at a Sunday Mass, Sept - May.
Rehearsals: Thursday 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Contact: Mary Alice Laferla | | (402) 334-5523Worship Band: Sing at the 5:30 PM Mass throughout the liturgical year.
Rehearsals: Sunday 4:15 PM
Contact: Tom Whitcomb |
Assist with the reverent celebration of Mass by working behind-the-scenes to prepare the sacred vessels and other liturgical objects needed for worship. Serve as de facto coordinators for each Mass's team of liturgical ministers (EMHCs, Lectors, Altar Servers, Hospitality).
Interested? Contact Olivier Coutant, Director of Liturgy | | (402) 991-3429
Liturgical Questions? Contact Olivier Coutant, Director of Liturgy | | (402) 991-3429
Musical Questions? Contact Madison Koperski, Director of Music | | (402) 330-1518