Parish Groups & Committees

Parish Groups

  • American Heritage Girls (AHG) Troop NE1980 is chartered by St Wenceslaus Parish.
    We meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month of the school year on the Parish Campus.

    AHG offers girls ages 5-18 an exciting progressive program to help them become women of integrity:

    • Social Development through organized special events

    • Girl Leadership opportunities at all levels of programming

    • Life Skill Enhancement through multi-level badge program

    • Character Development through community service and citizenship programs

    • Develop Teamwork & Building Confidence through varied outdoor experiences

    • Spiritual Development through biblical-based programming and religious recognition programs

    Questions? Contact Marie Stamm, Troop Coordinator | or visit our Troop Website or the AHG Website.

    Parish Director: Johnny Murray, Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry | | (402) 283-5129

  • Interested? Contact Dave Latenser, Boy Scouts | or Colin Conway, Cub Scouts |

    Parish Director: Johnny Murray, Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry | | (402) 283-5129

  • Catholic Daughters of the Americas strives to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality, and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all. Catholic Daughters provide contemporary programs that cover a vast scope of activities beginning at the parish level and expanding into all concerns of today's church and society. Catholic Daughters enjoy each other’s company at meetings and work hard for their parishes and communities. Together they share faith and love of God and a distinctly feminine spirituality alluded to by Pope John Paul II when he spoke of the necessity of “feminine genius” in today’s world.

    Catholic Daughters take part in the State and National campaigns through spirituality and service within our parish and community:

    • Provide educational programs and student scholarships.

    • Support various charities and Holy Name Parish.

    • Host Parish Receptions Ordinations, Farewells & the Parish Feast Day.

    • Volunteer at Food Bank and Habitat for Humanity. 

    • Feeding College Students at Newman Center.

    • Support our Aging Religious

    • Raise Awareness for White Ribbons Against Pornography.

    • Support the Guild in service and as vendors for their annual Bowtique.

    Locally, Court #2451 Mother Teresa was formed in 1997 at St. Wenceslaus Church. We are dedicated to our Patroness, the Blessed Mother. Meetings are the 3rd Monday of each month, Sept-May.

    Interested? Contact or Tracy Stratman, Group Leader | or visit our national website.

    Parish Director: Jeffrey Beulke, Director of Operations | | (402) 991-3085

  • Knights who wish to live out patriotism together can join the Fourth Degree. Members participate in color and honor guards, and organizes programs that promote Catholic citizenship. They lead efforts to reach out to veterans and active military, embodying the principle that one can be a faithful Catholic and also a faithful citizen.

    Interested? Contact Doug Dunning |

  • Our Mission: To provide hospitality to our parish.

    We serve by hosting receptions (often with the Catholic Daughters). All members of our parish are invited to join, be as involved as you want to be.  We stock the Guild Room with supplies and equipment to host events.   

    Our on-going monthly activities include:

    1. Funeral Meals - donate food, prepare lunch, serve and clean up 

    2. Stephen Center - coordinate and serve dinner on the 4th Saturday of each month, alternating pizza and casseroles

    3. Donut Sundays - encourages fellowship with parish members while enjoying donuts, coffee and juice on the 2nd Sunday of each month

    4. Board Meeting - monthly administrative meeting to organize, plan and review budget up to 6 times a year

    We support the parish by providing food and hosting other activities: hosting the Spring Graduation Dinner, a booth at Vaclav, providing refreshments for the Parish Mission and Trunk or Treat, and celebrations for our priests and church.

    Questions? Contact Julie Dvorak | (402) 305-3028 | |

    Annual Fall Bowtique:
    Click for Main Bowtique Page
    Our October craft fair raises money to help pay for supplies and equipment.  Admission is a freewill offering; proceeds are used to help fund the Stephen Center meals. For more info, contact Amy Lamar |

    Parish Director: Jeffrey Beulke, Director of Operations | | (402) 991-3085

  • Our fraternal organization is founded on the principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism.  Those are summarized on the back of our membership form: "You will share in the sense of pride in knowing that their Order is second to none in support of Our Holy Father, our Bishops and Priests; in working for our fellow man, especially those most in need; and in binding together to preserve traditional values in the face of attacks against the family and innocent human life." The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic fraternal organization with over 1.5 million brother Knights and 10,000 Councils.

    Our local council has over 200 parish men, and we meet on the 1st Monday of the month at 7:00 PM.

    We strive to be the "right hand" of the parish priest with service to the Church and the local community. Events include family, spiritual, social, civic-oriented, athletic and recreational:

    • Assisted our parish priests to address needs and aided seminarians.

    • Contributed to school needs such as playground and cafeteria equipment.

    • Supported the pro-life movement.

    • Volunteered time and food to homeless shelters.

    • Provided bus trips to local athletic events.

    • Helped with parish boutiques and assisted with parish fun days.

    • Provided scholarships.

    • Assisted with Honey Sunday to help the mentally and physically challenged.

    • Provided pancake fundraiser meals and Lenten dinners.

    Interested? Visit our Council 10909 website, or contact Zach Royse, Grand Knight | or Rod Hofschulte, Membership Director |

    Parish Director: Jeffrey Beulke, Director of Operations | | (402) 991-3085

  • Assist with counting collected monies following Sunday Mass and on Holy Days. Weekly or monthly commitments available.

    Interested? Contact Teresa Johns, Director of Finance |

  • Primetimers provide parishioners age 55 and older the opportunity to find new friends and continue existing friendships through social, religious and community activities. A committee of approximately 25 members meet on a monthly basis (1st Monday of the month) to plan upcoming activities and to prepare a calendar of events for the upcoming year.

    Primetimers main objective is to offer friendship and support to our members.

    Activities are published in the weekly church bulletin. Past events include:

    • Membership dinner and meeting each year in September

    • Witches Brew - (Halloween soup and sandwich dinner)

    • Potluck dinner and game nights

    • Christmas party and White Elephant gift exchange

    • Chili Cookoff, cook-outs, wine and cheese tasting

    • Movie Night and dinner

    • St. Patrick’s Day catered dinner

    • Casino Night

    • Cinco de Mayo Party

    • Parish Ministry Picnic and Mass (with Primetimer Groups from other Omaha Parishes)

    • Golf outings and Putting contests

    • Attend Musicals at the Papillion Amphitheater

    • Membership Appreciation Dinner

    • Lauritzen Garden Tour and Lunch at the Bohemian Café

    We support and care for our members.

    We send cards to members who are ill. We also send flowers or reading material to members who have been in the hospital. Follow-up calls are made to members recuperating at home and assistance given when needed. Mass cards are sent to the immediate family of members who have died.

    Interested? Contact Larry and Sharon Wilwerding | (402) 330- 3518 |

    Parish Director: Jeffrey Beulke, Director of Operations | | (402) 991-3085

Councils & Committees

  • Our mission is to help adult parishioners encounter Jesus Christ, build a deep personal relationship with Him, and become active missionary disciples spreading the kerygma (proclamation of the Gospel) to the St. Wenceslaus community, to their families, and to the world around them.

    Committee members meet on the first Thursday of the month throughout the school year. 


    • Guest Speakers

    • Parish Lenten Mission

    • Retreats

    • Catholic Social Teaching Ministry Activities

    • Alpha

    • Welcome Weekends

    • Prayer Groups

    • Bible Studies

    Interested? Contact Christine Edmonds, Director of Evangelization | | (402) 991-3425.

  • The Athletic Committee helps coordinate all sports programs at St. Wenceslaus parish with members representing the different sports offered, faculty representatives, and members at large. Meeting: Vary as needed (at least 4 times a year.)

    The parish sports include:

    • Boys basketball

    • Boys track

    • Cross Country

    • Football

    • Girls Track

    • Girls Volleyball

    • Soccer Club

    • Trap Shooting Club

    Interested? Contact Tom Worthington | or Ken Wentz |

  • We work to raise awareness and understanding of the principles of Catholic Social Teaching in our parish and school families. We promote these principles through local and global efforts to recognize the dignity of all people. We are committed to living out the gospel by providing opportunities for prayer, education, service to the poor, and advocacy for justice and peace.

    Seven Principles of Catholic Social Teaching:

    1. Life and Dignity of the Human Person

    2. Call to Family, Community, and Participation

    3. Rights and Responsibilities

    4. Option for the Poor and Vulnerable

    5. The Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers

    6. Solidarity

    7. Care for God's Creation

    Our Activities:

    • Assist refugee families in the Omaha area

    • November: Fair Trade coffee/tea/chocolate sales to support small farmers and co-ops

    • Yearly book club

    • Season of Creation speakers, projects, and tips on how to care for our earth

    Meetings: Second Monday of every month at the parish from 7:00 to 8:30 pm

    Interested? Contact Joanna Lindberg |

    Parish Director: Brian Corey, Director of Pastoral Ministry | | (402) 697-7514

  • Help develop financial polices and oversee the revenue and expenditure of all parish activities. 

    Interested? Contact Jeffrey Beulke, Director of Operations | | (402) 991-3085

  • The Investment Committee is responsible for developing, recommending, implementing, and maintaining all policies relative to St. Wenceslaus’ institutional funds.

    Interested? Contact Teresa Johns, Director of Finance |

  • The Parish Pastoral Council provides consultation to the pastor on pastoral and strategic planning. The PPC is responsible for ongoing renewal of parish life and coordinates the gifts of individuals and groups. 

    Parish Pastoral Council Members: Jared Bolding, Robin Cherek, Dawn Coury, Mike Currans, Kevin Furey, Ryan Kane, Amy Masek, Matt Smith, David Peters, and Ryan Royse.

    Meetings: 3rd Thursday of each month (except December); click below for past minutes.

    Questions? Contact Jared Bolding, PPC President |

  • St. Wenceslaus is a Czech National parish founded in 1877 by Fr. Vaclav Kocarnik. Help us celebrate our history and build our community with this festival.

    Interested? Jeffrey Beulke, Director of Operations | | (402) 991-3085

  • Assist in developing a culture of vocational discernment at our parish and school through events, promotions, and other activities.

    Interested? Contact Rod Hofschulte | (402) 510-7250.