Summer Opportunities

Grades 9-12 (incoming)

Grades 1-6 & 7-12 (incoming)

Grades 6-12 (incoming)

Fireside - Middle School Youth Group

The Middle School youth group you know and love is back! And with a new name! "Fireside" - Middle School youth group kicks off Sunday, September 8th from 6:30-8:00pm in Cain Hall; check-in starts at 6:15pm. All 6th - 8th grade students are invited to join and invite a friend!

Parents/guardians are required to complete the waiver form for their participating child(ren). 

Witness Wednesdays - High School Youth Group

Alongside teens from both St. Wenceslaus and St. Stephen the Martyr, we will spend time together learning from powerful witnesses to our faith, diving into the Bible, exploring how to live our faith in the world, and spending time in front of the Blessed Sacrament allowing God to love us and answer that love with praise & worship. 

Witness Wednesdays are 8-9:30 PM and the location rotates between St. Stephen the Martyr and St. Wenceslaus. Snacks and drinks are provided, except on Adoration evenings.

Witness Wednesdays gives you four unique experiences of our Catholic faith each month:

  • Scripture Study Nights: Dive into Scripture and discover your place in His Word. (St. Wenceslaus)

  • Testimony Nights: Hear from a witness of the faith to learn how to align your life with God’s will. (St. Stephen the Martyr)

  • Eucharistic Adoration Night: Witness the real presence of Jesus as we pray in our hearts and praise with our voices together in worship. (St. Wenceslaus)

  • Be Real Nights: Explore Catholic Social Teaching and other relevant topics to help us become witnesses of Christ’s love to our wider community and each other. (St. Stephen the Martyr)

  • If there is a 5th Wednesday in the month, it will be a social evening gathering. The location will be announced that month.

Upcoming Schedule & Topics

  • Be Real Night ft. the Culture Project Missionaries Open Q&A Night (St. Stephen the Martyr | Gonderinger Parish Center)

  • Scripture Study Night ft. Fr. Tobias (St. Wenceslaus | St. Elizabeth Room)

  • Testimony Night ft. Deacon Scott & Julie Tylski (St. Stephen the Martyr | St. Teresa of Calcutta Room)

  • Showing of the film The Passion of Christ (St. Stephen the Martyr | St. Teresa of Calcutta Room)

    • The Passion of Christ is rated R due to graphic scenes portraying Jesus’ crucifixion. Parental discretion is advised.

    • Time Change: 7:00-9:30 PM

  • Be Real Night ft. Evan Collins (St. Stephen the Martyr | St. Teresa of Calcutta Room)

  • Newman Night! A night for high school students to experience the excitement and community of the JPII UNO Newman Center.

    • Time Change: 6:30-9:15 PM

    • Location: JPII Newman Center | 1221 S 71st St

    • NO Normal Witness Wednesdays; our group will be attending this gathering instead. Students interested in attending are responsible for their own rides

Volunteer Opportunities


Connect with the youth of our parish by having authentic and genuine conversations with them to lead them to the heart of Christ.


Take time to give back and help form our youth to living in the virtues of the Catholic faith by leading small groups or donating food for gatherings.


Watch your own faith deepen and strengthen as you pour out the Lord’s love into His children.

Questions or want to volunteer? Contact Johnny Murray, Director of Youth Ministry | (531) 283-5129 |