Michael J. Hogan
Memorial Scholarship Fund
March 28, 1943 - February 18, 2017
Given in loving memory of Michael J. Hogan, a strong believer in the Catholic faith and Catholic education. Michael lived his life helping others and his spirit of generosity of “paying it forward” is something his family hopes to continue in the lives of students here at St. Wenceslaus.
This scholarship is awarded to any current or future St. Wenceslaus student who embodies the values by which Michael lived his life. This student also strives to improve themselves through faith, service, determination and learning.
Miles Mech
Memorial Scholarship Fund
January 2, 2015 - October 4, 2015
Given in loving memory of Miles Mech, whose joy and laughter brought sunshine to anyone he met. The love and happiness he brought in his short life enriched the lives of all those surrounding him.
This scholarship is awarded to any current or future St. Wenceslaus student who shows the joy, love and optimism that God’s presence brings.
Monsignor James Cain
Memorial Scholarship Fund
September 25, 1931 - May 6, 2013
Given in loving memory of Monsignor Jim Cain, the founding pastor of the relocated St. Wenceslaus Parish. Monsignor Cain had a love of Catholic education.
This scholarship is awarded to an 8th grader in the parish who desires a Catholic education in one of the Omaha area Catholic High Schools and is committed to their faith and education. He or she must reflect the qualities, strengths and gifts that Monsignor Cain exemplified.
Shelly Billerbeck
Memorial Scholarship Fund
January 2, 1964 - July 7, 2011
The Shelly Billerbeck Memorial Scholarship is given in loving memory of Michele Rose "Shelly" Billerbeck. Shelly lived her life with faith, hope and love. The scholarship is awarded to a current 8th grade student, in St. Wenceslaus parish, who shows determination and courage when it would be easier to give up.
This scholarship is to be used toward education at any Archdiocese of Omaha Catholic High School. The awarded recipient exemplifies Shelly's promise to continue making a difference in the world. There is no application for this scholarship. Administration and staff submit applicants to be considered.
Ana Uremovic Ruf
Memorial Scholarship Fund
January 2, 1964 - July 7, 2011
This scholarship is offered in loving memory of Ana, a devoted Catholic and former St. Wenceslaus parishioner. This scholarship is open to any K through seventh grade female student currently enrolled at St. Wenceslaus Catholic School. Applicants should demonstrate an exceptional work ethic, an appreciation for and love of learning, and a resilience to persevere.
Knights of Columbus
Scholarship Fund
Given to recognize 8th grade St. Wenceslaus parishioners who have demonstrated an outwardly Christian spirit through their active involvement in St. Wenceslaus and the community.
This scholarship is awarded to students attending an area Catholic high school and is renewable each year the student maintains the requirements of faith, service and educational excellence.