ELEVATE Campaign & Windows

The group-sponsored window Fr. Flanagan (featured above) is still accepting donations. Gifts of any size are greatly appreciated. Please use the button below to make a gift. Then, use the dropdown menu to select “Stained Glass Window - Fr. Flanagan.” Please direct any questions to Lisa Daub.

If you already have a pledge established through the Finance Office, your account will now record it through PushPay. 

If you are here to set up a pledge, thank you! Your much appreciated gift will be used to improve our campus and better serve the needs of our entire community!

Questions? Contact Kristy Churchill, Director of Development | churchillk@stwenceslaus.org | (402) 330-9620

The ELEVATE plaque will honor all donors to the Elevate Capital Campaign who donated $3,600 and above. Click above to verify that your name is spelled correctly.

Corrections or questions? Contact the development office.